Saturday, October 4, 2008

What should I listen to? Part I

Music,Music, Music

Have you noticed that ear-plugs have become more popular than belts! Today you are most likely to see a youth with an ear-plug attached to an mp3 player or iphone than a belt round his waist. Why? because music is a major driving force when it comes to self expression. In fact music has been a major factor in shaping the way people think, act, dress and express themselves.

So as a Christian youth what should I listen to? who should I listen to? when it comes to music does It really matter what or who I listen to? What about gospel rap and heavy metal "christian" music?

What the bible says:
"Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord" Ephesians 5:19
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."Colossians 3:16

Insn't the bible complete!!! I know it is for it has answered the question - "what should I listen to as a Christian youth?". The bible says ( notice the pattern in the two verses ) we should listen to:

i. Psalms
ii. Hymns
iii. Spiritual songs

Now before I sound too legalistic - let me explain briefly what these passages mean ( since there was no radio, Mp3 player etc in the bible days ) - the verses say Christians should both speak and admonish each other in music i.e. Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual songs. When someone sings to another we have two parties ;a singer and a hearer.One is singing while the other is listening, So these verses tell us what to sing and what music to listen to.Christians were to sing and listen to each other back in the bible days. The point is that what you listen to is what you sing!what you take in is what you bring out, get the point? Ok, this is what I am trying to say, these verses reveal:
1. What music a Christian should listen to
2. What music a Christian should sing
3. Who ( musician or band )a Christian should listen to.
I'll explain more on Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual song in part II of this article and also write on "who" we're supposed to listen to but for now take note that in a nut-shell the kind of music a Christian should listen to should be:

i. M - Meditative not senseless murky noise (Psalm 30:4)
ii.U - Uplifting not depressing (1 Samuel 16:23)
iii.S - Spiritual not worldly & carnal (Ephesians 5:19)
iv. I - Inspirational not uninspiring (2 Chronicles 20:21)
v. C - Christ centered not man-cantered ( Psalm 115:1, Colosians 3:16)


So what are your thoughts on Christian music?

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